Hi folks, I just want to give a shout out to Matt Clemons at Quality Land Works LLC. If you are looking for someone to clear land for trails or a good plot, Matt is a good choice.
I had Matt come in last summer where he cleaned up a few years after some logging. He did a great job and covered a lot of ground in a short amount of time. I was so impressed I had him back later in the year to do some more work.
Here he is heading in.

And this is what it looked like when he was done.

The deer didn’t take much time to investigate their new surroundings

Not sure why that picture keeps flipping sideways but it seemakes to have a mind of its own.
We broadcast spread a few hundred pounds of winter rye right on top the mulch and it came up right through the mulch. It seems to be coming back nicely again this year.

Again, the image keeps trying to flip
At any rate, Matt is out of Baldwin WI but he said he travels to do how land work. I think he was heading to Duluth after he was done with my project last year.
If you give him a shout, don’t work him
too hard because I still have a project for him on my property this summer.