I was visiting family in Florida and my uncle wanted to show me famous Lake Okeechobee. We drove about an hour to get there, walked around the lake for a bit, and then went to a local bar to get something to to eat. At the bar, local fishing guide Capt. George Mrozinski happened to be sitting next to us and my uncle knew him from previous guided trips. Capt. Mrozinski happened to have a cancellation that day and agreed to take us fishing. Capt. Mrozinski quickly got all of his gear together and off we went. I am not a big fisherman but Capt. Mrozinski didn't mind and taught me many new fishing tricks. He brought us to his hot spot and the bass were biting like crazy. I caught many fish and had a blast. I would highly recommend Capt. Mrozinski as he was fun to be around and an excellent guide.
Here is Capt Mrozinski’s page